an in-house hospitality program turning refugees into talents in the commercial kitchen.
Everyone deserves an equal opportunity
We believe everyone deserves an equal opportunity for a better future. In collaboration with City of Amsterdam, we developed Cooks25: an in-house hospitality program turning refugees into talents in the commercial kitchen. After trainees complete the program, we place them in a company within the field of hospitality.

The history of Cooks25
In the beginning we were inspired from our big kitchen and the possibilities it gave us to train people. We knew immediately that we wanted to give people opportunities to learn how to cook.
In 2019 autumn, we didn’t know exactly who these people were or should be, people who wanted to learn how to cook as a hobby or people who want to become a cook, make a profession out of it? And where were all these people?
Our organization
Within the Kanteen25 BV community, we will establish a training school Stichting Cooks25, to offer free skills training in cooking, kitchen preparation, and general catering opportunities to the unemployed to help them progress into employment.

Interested in partnering? Questions about our program, organization or anything else? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Our participants that are selected for the waiter’s program joins the staff of Kanteen25. Want to know more about this restaurant?
Our participants are supported throughout the learning process. Learn more about how we fund the Cooks25 program.